Five Star NTP Ambassadors are committed racers who are passionate about the Five Star race experience. Read about their inspiring running stories below!
(P.S. None of them bite, so be sure to introduce yourself if you see them at a race!)

Alex Garcia
I first started running when I was in the Marine Corps and to be honest, I despised it and wasn’t very good at it.
When I got out of the Marines, I gained some serious weight. Time went by and I had a physical scheduled. My doctor told me I was seriously obese and my blood pressure was all out of whack. I decided to make some changes and slowly got into running. I dropped 100 pounds and love running now. I enjoy road races, trail races and obstacle races. When I run now, it’s kind of an escape for me and resets me.

Michael Selman
I have been a runner for 40 years now. All those years and all those miles will forever be etched fondly in my memory, but they have also taken their toll on my body, and in some ways, my life. For years, I could not imagine taking a vacation that didn't center on a race. Kelli and I have had some great experiences with that mindset, but suddenly, it is no longer a priority.
I have missed opportunities to watch my grandkids playing their little league games because there was a local 5K that caused a conflict. I always chose the race. I have chosen to not go out on Friday nights simply because I had to get up early for a race or a long run the next morning. But those days are over. There is more to life than running, and it is time for some of those other things to take center stage

Mitchell Novy
Having over 20 years of racing experience, Mitch is a veteran on the roads, trails, and track. He has fast PR's, wonderful training advice, but most importantly, he is constantly willing to spread that knowledge of training and racing to the metro Atlanta running community. Jumping on board with Five Star NTP, Mitch feels that he can continue his outreach in helping other runners reach their goals. He loves to inspire runners of all ages. Mitch plans on continuing his pursuit of being competitive in the local road race scene as well as the trails in nearby city parks.
Check out his running blog below and follow him on social media!

Norman Wenger
I’ve always been a physical guy, working construction in my early years, and keeping a hand in it when I began designing houses. 40 was fast approaching when I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS), which can be severely crippling. Eight years passed with the disease progressing and no clear solutions. Then my daughter asked me to begin walking with her to help with her lacrosse training & fitness. While she was away at camp, I got bored walking alone and started jogging a bit. Before I knew it, I was running 3 miles at a time! Then my daughter talked me into entering a 5k at her middle school. I was stunned when I won 2nd in age group! Soon my college-age daughter encouraged me to enter a race in her college town. 2nd in age group again, and received my award from NFL running back (& Georgia Southern alum) Adrian Peterson!! I’d found something I enjoyed that I was good at and I was hooked.
I have recently celebrated 3.5 years since my first race. I’ve just passed the 200th race, including 5k, 10k, several half-marathons and even 2 marathons. I’ve moved on to a different age group now, but still enjoy bringing home those medals – even a couple grand masters!
While exercise can’t cure MS, keeping my mind & body in top condition helps to reduce the long term effects of a relapse, and thankfully, with recent advances in medical research, I’ll be able to get out there with my running mates for many more years.