There are 3 steps to ensure that you get the most out of your partnership experience.
Promote the race in front of the biggest crowd: social media!
Register to run for the race (its a perk of your partnership).
Bring out your best on race day with a display that will get everyone talking, in the best way possible!

Step 1:
Social Media
We do our part and create the race page on our website and on facebook.
Mark that you're coming.
Share the race on your company page
Invite some friends to come too
Encourage them to share the event.
Be sure to use the race's custom hashtags
Use your other social networks to share the event too!
Don't forget about Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter!
Take some pictures, and start sharing your involvement.
Our secret tip: Create print materials
Posters and flyers are great guerilla marketing tools.
They can be left in customer areas or on counters.
Flyers can be hung in windows and on bulletin boards.
Remember, getting people registered for the race
means that you have more exposure for your company.

Step 2:
Register to Run
We want to make sure you are totally taken care of when it comes to registering, and getting all of your swag.
Most partnerships include free registrations, so be sure to enter your coupon code during the registration process! Be sure to register early enough so everyone can get a race shirt in their size!
Form a race team with your office! This is exciting for both you and your team and makes a great impression on the other racers!

Step 3:
Come to Race Day!
Having a vendor table is the best way to get people's attention. Make sure it has plenty of eye-caching items with your brand and info about your company!
Make it interactive by including a spinning wheel with giveaway prizes or a selfie station. Or have a water station for any canine racers.
Other ideas include:
A fishbowl with pieces of candy
Branded items: pens, etc.
Drawing for a free...? (Whatever works best for you)